Eat well
Save time
Live better
Tutti Frutti TuttiFrutti

Manufactured to your spec.

Dimensions over 3mmX3mm per cube.

Available throughout the year.

Tutti Frutti is used widely by our customers who make Ice Creams , Cakes and various other Bakery Products. In addition, we extend the process to make Pumpkin Preserve.

Curry Leaves CurryLeaves

Manufactured to your spec.

Crusty texture.

Available throughout the year.

This product qualify organic type.

The final product is a Dehydrated Curry Leaves , which has approximately 7%-10% moisture levels. Mainly bought by the Soup/Noodles manufacturers to include in their sachet.

Pineapple Pineapple

Manufactured to your spec.

Sugar coated , chrystalized pieces, cordial, Jam.

Seasonal : April - October

We make Jam , Cordiaal and dehydrated Pineapple pieces. Pineapple pieces are popular among the Dairy Industry to add into Yoghurt.

Papaya Papaya

Manufactured to your spec.

Sugar coated , chrystalized pieces, Mix Fruit cordial, Jam.

Non Seasonal

Very popular product among the Dairy Industry for their Yoghurt manufacture.We dont make Tutti Frutti from Papaya, unless the customer requests.

Banana Banana

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Banana pieces

Non Seasonal

Ideal addition to breakfast cereal products. "Seeni Kesel" is found to be the most placed order by our customers.

Mango Mango

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Mango pieces

Seasonal production

Very popular product among the Dairy Industry for their Yoghurt manufacture.We also welcome orders to mix in Brakefast cereal Products. Our main market is Cordials, Dehydrated Mango pieces, Mango and Mix Fruit Jams.

Garlic Garlic

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Garlic Powder and Pieces

Available always

We could match your moisture level

We have a high demand during festive season from customers for their Garlic Butter. In addition we cater to indirect exports , popular among Noodles manufacturers.

Ginger Ginger

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Ginger Powder and Pieces

Available always

We could match your moisture level

Popular during the fastive season, specially for Ginger Preserve. During the year we offer Ginger powder and pieces. This product is bought by customers wanting to add flavour to Tea , Ayurvedic medicines , general Spices.

Ambarella Ambarella

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Ambarella Powder and Pieces

Available always

We could match your moisture level

Ambarella is bought by mainly for Ayurvedic medicines purposes. This product is naturally grown and is a product that has number of health benefits.

Spinach Spinach

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Spinach Powder and Pieces

Available always

Popular product bought by customers who are in the Ayurvedic/Native medicines industry. There is a high degree of nutritional value.

Gotukola Gotukola

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Gotukola Powder and Pieces

Available always

Popular product among customers in the Breakfast Cereal / Noodles and Porridge industry . The product is known to have high degree of nutritional value.

Tomato Tomato

Typically purchased to manufacture Soups, Ketchup and various sauce.

Cinnamon Cinnomon

Highly sought after product by overseas customers with great health benefits

Jack Seeds Jackseeds
Jack Fruit JackFruit

Our main indirect export available from April to october.

KaturuMurunga KaturuMurunga

Manufactured to your spec.

Dehydrated Moringa Powder and Pieces

Available always

Also know as Ceylon Scarlet Wisteria.. This product is known to have high in nutrition value and popular among the Ayurvedic/Native medicines industry.

Thampala Thampala

This product is known to have high health benefits and popular among the Ayurvedic/Native medicines industry.

Lemongrass Lemongrass

Mainly sold in Powder form

Kekiri Kekiri
Puhul Puhul
Kurakkan Kurakkan
Mung Beans Mung Bean
White Caupi WhiteCaupi
Red Caupi RedCaupi
Leeks Leeks
Carrot Carrot
Kochchi Kochchi
Celery Celery
Ash Plantain Ash
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Candied Peel and Cherries Cherries&CP
Kassava Lemongrass

Currently we are conducting research to make Casava Powder

Passion Fruit Passion Fruit
Onion Onion
Lime Lime
Kathuru murunga Moringa
Murunga Leaves MurungaLeaves

Also know as Moringa. This product is known to have high in nutrition value and popular among the Ayurvedic/Native medicines industry.